
29 March 2023
Written By hncp

Channing School Partnership – Comfort Box

Moving into a hostel or temporary housing is a choice no one ever wants to make; the first few days can be especially overwhelming.
We are proud to be working with Highgate Newtown Community Partners (HNCP) to support vulnerable people who find themselves in this position.

The new Comfort Box is packed with essentials that will make those first few days easier to bear. Inside recipients will find a selection of dried goods, tins of soup, beans, tea, coffee and so on to keep them going while they find their feet. We’ve included toiletries too to make their arrival at their new short term accommodation a little more comfortable.

“Our hope is that these boxes will play a part in supporting those who deserve some comfort at a time when they are most in need. We know that helping people feel less alone in those first few days can make a huge difference and we are pleased to stand alongside HNCP in doing what we can to help those who need it most in our community.”
Lindsey Hughes – Headmistress, Channing

Proudly working together for the local community |

22 February 2023
Written By hncp

Community Lunch Club at St Dominic’ s Parish Hall, Haverstock Hil


The Dominican friars at St Dominic’s Priory and the Rosary Shrine welcomes a new partnership with the HNCP to create a range of initiatives that will serve the local community, whether you’re Catholic or not! We begin this March in the season of Lent with a Community Lunch Club. We share the values of providing the best quality ingredients and prices that people can afford: £1.50 for 3 courses.
We welcome all so come join us working as one community
Very Rev Fr Lawrence Lew, O.P.,
Prior and Parish Priest
Rector of the Rosary Shrine (London)
St Dominic’s Priory

Starting Date: 2nd March, Thursday (10.30am to 2pm)

St Dominic’s Parish Hall, Haverstock Hill. St Dominic’s Priory, Southampton Road, London NW5 4LB
Please go to the Parish Hall next to Wordsworth Place, and not to the Priory.

30 January 2023
Written By hncp

Ambassador of Appeal

Highgate has been my home for over 50 years. I am married with 3 children and 9 grandchildren. For the last 35 years have been working in the charitable sector, both professionally and as a volunteer.

It was with great pleasure that I accepted the role of Ambassador of this Appeal. I very much admire what has been accomplished so far and look forward to continuing to support HNCP well into the future.

I sincerely hope that many of you can be persuaded to donate through the website

The donate button for the new build fit out is on the front page. I am confident that the services planned in this state-of-the-art building will offer a safety net for those in our community with no other options.

Our target is £600,000 and to date we are short £220,000 of the appeal. We welcome your support.

Ambassador of Appeal







As many readers will know Highgate Newtown Community Partners (HNCP) – of which I am Treasurer – is located in Bertram Street NW5 (just behind Highgate Library). We have been working together with Camden Council over a number of years to bring forward exciting new plans for the redevelopment of the Centre. This will include housing, a new public space, and a brand-new community centre for the benefit of local residents. The Council has invested over £6 million into building the new facility. This money will be raised by the Council building homes for sale on the site of the old centre. During the construction period HNCP moved out of the building on Bertram Street and we relocated our activities (including support of older people, children under five, food parcel distribution and subsidised community lunches to a range of locations in the Archway, Highgate, and Dartmouth Park areas. At the time of writing, we have partnerships with Brookfield School in Dartmouth Park, Channing School in Highgate, the United Reformed Church, St Mary’s Dartmouth Park. St Michael’s Highgate and St Anne’s Highgate, where our temporary (and part time) office is located.
This change has proved beneficial as it is popular and has brought us closer to the people we seek to serve. Even after the new Centre is completed, we expect to continue in this ‘distributed and partnership’ mode.

Our new Community Centre building is expected to be ready for occupation late in 2023. We have agreed in principle with Camden Council to take a 20-year lease on the bottom three floors of the building. The Council is offering a discounted rent in recognition of our partnership and the Council’s commitment to be supportive of HNCP and their value to the community. The picture is an architect’s visualisation of the entrance to the new Centre, which will accessible both from Croftdown Road and Bertram Street.

We are raising money to create a welcoming, high-quality facility which brings people together and gives them, those who struggle financially opportunities they would not have elsewhere. We want people to feel valued when they are in the building, and that they deserve quality. Activities such as our launderette and hairdressers will be offered at cost price and art, pottery, cooking and exercise classes will either be free at the point of access or heavily subsidised for those on lower income. The café will serve fresh, affordable food, enabling those who eat by themselves day after day to share a meal with others. We are working closely with local hostels and schools to make sure that the new community centre building becomes an essential support service for people who find daily life challenging.

The centre will have a sports hall, large and adaptable enough to host a range of events such as job fairs and concerts, gym activities, table tennis and community meetings. There will also be several flexible meeting rooms which can be used for classes or rented out to tenants who will provide benefit to the community. We are intending that the new Centre should be open seven days a week, throughout the day and evening.

It will be clear to all who know us that the new building represents a step change in the services that HNCP can bring to the community. Apart from the financial requirement we will need to increase our staffing levels (recruitment will commence in the next few months) and to continue to strengthen our Board of Trustees with people who are willing to take on active role in the direction of the charity. Tomi Ayodeji joined us, and has been on our Board for over a year. We would like to continue this strengthening further.

We expect fitting out the new building to cost up to £600,000 and this is our funding challenge. The Council has made significant investment into the new centre, and it was always part of the agreement that the fit-out works would be undertaken by HNCP. We have so far accumulated over £380,000 and now we are on the lookout for funding of the balance from Foundations, Trusts, families and individuals (which could come with name recognition for funded items or parts of theCentre). If any readers can support us on this journey, or if you know of an organisation who can either contribute to our mission, or who may be interested in working in partnership with us, please get in touch with me, Stephen Hodge, on 0776850299 or by email to:

Thank you

Stephen Hodge
Treasurer & Company Secretary

22 December 2022
Written By hncp

New Build HNCP Update

As Christmas approaches we’re looking forward to a well-earned rest… but we’re not going to open our presents until the new year, when the wraps will come off Highgate Newtown Community Centre: a community-led, mixed-use development we’ve designed for Camden Council – pictured here.

29 November 2022
Written By hncp

Christmas Opening Times

Many thanks to all our partners, funders and Camden Council!
The Highgate Newtown Community Partners team wish you all a very good break!
All our services close from Dec 16th and re-open Jan 10th, 2023.
4 November 2022
Written By hncp

You are invited!

Come and find out more and meet the team. We are holding an open event on:

Monday, 7 November from 3pm till 6pm (more dates to follow)
Highgate Library Civic and Cultural Centre

Free under fives children services, lunch clubs and pilates – our essential range comes with high standards and quality you’d expect. A range of services to feel good about.

A Charity to feel good about
Charity Number: 290712

6 October 2022
Written By hncp

You are invited!

Come and find out more and meet the team. We are holding open events on:

31 October and 7 November from 3pm till 6pm (more dates to follow)
Highgate Library Civic and Cultural Centre

Join the HNCP Club today – it’s FREE!

Free under fives children services, lunch clubs and pilates – our essential range comes with high standards and quality you’d expect. A range of services to feel good about.

Get involved

We’ve partnered with Time to Spare to create the Highgate Newtown Community Partners Club card – a new and exciting way to be part of the HNCP community.

Why should I join the HNCP Club?

You will need a club card to access our services and venues. This ensures we are all kept safe and allows us to have your feedback on our services.

HNCP Club connects you with the community around HNCP and the new building, it gives you access to services and discounts, and it allows us to send you information about activities you might be interested in and our newsletter.

You can either fill out the form on our website, email ‘Time to Spare’ for an application form or you can drop by the building and fill out a physical application. You’ll then be issued your HNCP card, which you can use to scan into activities in the new building and our venues.

28 September 2022
Written By hncp

Welcome to Highgate Newtown Community Partners’ Autumn Programme



I am delighted to welcome you to the Autumn Programme. As local residents, our family shares Highgate Newtown Community Partners’ ambition to strive to ensure no person is ever left behind. HNCP is determined to offer low-cost or free services at the sametime as maintaining high standards. The food for the meals – which are offered at £1, for three-courses – are bought from M&S and Waitrose so that our community, many of whom are on low incomes, can enjoy the very best.

We are grateful for the kind support our partners that from 1st October allows us to lower the price of the Community Lunch to £1.00 for a 3-course meal. Thank you for your generosity.

Together with the free ‘Under 5s Stay & Play’, the children’s meals are FREE.

Talk to the people who use these services and hear from them how their lives have been improved by what HNCP has been able to provide!

HNCP now offers Thursday Pilates sessions at St Anne’s Church Highgate. Although voluntary contributions for the classes are welcome, they are now free to Camden Residents who might otherwise not be in a position to afford them. The Pilates sessions start at 10am and those who attend are welcome for free tea and coffee after the class.

Look at the website for all the details of these exciting an innovative projects.

With low administrative costs, Highgate Newtown Community Partners are determined to keep up the high standards and values that improved the neighbourhood’s lives during the pandemic and to continue to give the community a quality service.

In these hard times, we are grateful to Camden Council for its support now and in the future. Because times are challenging and likely to get worse, we are investing in local communities. As a team, HNCP sees these new initiatives as a bold and exciting way forward; we need to be kind to each other and to support our neighbours.

Best wishes
Bevery and Family
Local Resident for 60 years
(Proud to be a Camden Resident)
*All lunches subject to availability

Full the programme, visit:
or e-mail for the timetable


26 September 2022
Written By hncp


Thursday 6th of October

4:15 – 5:30pm

Come enjoy free tea, sandwiches and cake at Channing School, and listen to music too!


Join us at: Channing School The Bank, Highgate, London N6 5HF

5 August 2022
Written By hncp

John Lyons Charity visits Highgate Newtown Community Partners Under five sessions

Thanks to John Lyons Charity 45 children had a fabulous morning it was a great success. John Lyons Charity has funded our summer program a service much needed and enjoyed by all.
Brilliant staff team working hard to ensure children are safe each session well done Kim and Nadine.
Highgate Newtown Community Partners strive to ensure services are free where possible and all have a great experience with us.
Kindness to all working with our community